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Event Details

Do you know retired or nearly retired people who wake up and flip on the financial news to see how their portfolio is doing? Whose mood is affected by the swings of the markets? Is that you? That's a choice, one you may have never been offered. That's not the only way to do it. Heck, that's not even the best way to do it. So why is it the most common way being done today? Why are hope and stress acceptable elements of modern financial planning?

The Retirement Income Dilemma is real. What determines your level of success in financing your retirement future? The degree to which you are empowered to replace your paycheck with reliable predictable post-retirement income, right? Why should the difference between asset allocation and asset optimization be important to you? You may not know how significant the difference is...

This talk is for you, open to the public, because we have witnessed time and again that Vermonters within the retirement window are facing some clear challenges. This is not your steak dinner sales pitch… Come to hear from local experts as well as academics and professionals from around the country on the complex topic of retirement financing. ‘America’s retirement experiment’ has gone well for some and causes anxiety for many others. Turning retirement savings into a retirement lifestyle is a skill that is new for most, and it’s simple enough to learn. You will come away with a deeper understanding of what you can do right now to secure your current retirement plans and guarantee your needs are met into the future.

We're going to see excerpts from a unique documentary in 4 chapters:

1) Defined Benefits/Pensions

2) Social Security

3) Defined Contribution Plans/401(k)s, 403(b)s, etc.

4) The Annuity.

As Retirement Income Specialists, we feel compelled to make this discussion open to the public in a life-changing talk at The Board Room at the South Burlington Public Library. Seating is limited to 15 people, so please reserve a ticket for you and add a +1 and each person in your party.

Venue Information

South Burlington Library
180 Market Street
South Burlington, VT 05403

Organizer Information